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Biblical Counseling

What is Biblical Counseling?

Biblical Counseling is the process where the Bible, God’s Word, is related individually to a person or persons who are struggling under the weight of personal sin and/or the difficulties with suffering, so that he or she might genuinely change in the inner person to be pleasing to God.

This definition is based on three important beliefs.


We believe that the Bible, given by God, is sufficient for life in that, when properly interpreted, it reveals to the believer all the data necessary to for one to

understand his need for Christ, how he can please the Lord, and how to live in a God-honoring way, regardless of the circumstances, whether comfortable or oppressive.


The Bible is also the authoritative source with which all truth claims - including claims made by science and history - must be evaluated.

As a result, we reject all counseling theories that use presuppositions, principles, and/or methodologies that are inconsistent with the proper interpretation of the Biblical text.


We believe that genuine heart change is totally dependent on the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Thus, our view of counseling practice includes the importance of prayer, dependence on God, a thorough knowledge of the Word of God, and an understanding of ministering to people.


For a more detailed explanation of Biblical counseling, please see the about page of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC).


Biblical Counseling Philosophy

Parker Bible Church Biblical Counseling Ministries offer counseling services to those in the Parker area and surrounding communities (although sometimes counselees travel several hours to participate) with counseling available at the church campus.


We understand that there are times in life where you just need a helping hand. In fact, many people are doing very well in some parts of their life while struggling in others. Now might be the time when you need someone to come alongside and encourage you from the Bible.

We see folks with all kinds of problems, but the most common would be those struggling in their marriage, helping parents with their children, those dealing with sexual sin, and those struggling with their emotions (e.g. depression or anger).


In all cases, we use the Bible, God’s sufficient Word, to answer the problems of life. We believe that God has given us all we need to know Him and to live in a way that is pleasing to Him. All our difficulties may not evaporate. However, when a person willingly submits to God's instructions and clings to His promises there is hope and help. There are answers for dealing with whatever you might be facing. In fact, many of our counselees see significant progress in a few months.

What to Expect from Biblical Counseling


Everything will be held in strict confidence except where, in the counselor’s judgment, there is a biblical requirement to involve others (e.g. criminal activity).


Our staff will care for you and treat you with respect.


Our staff will encourage you in your successes and exhort you to think and behave in a way that pleases Jesus Christ.

Qualified Counselors

All of our counselors, whether they are pastors or laypersons, go through a rigorous training program in Biblical counseling.

What PBC Expects from You


It is very difficult, if not impossible, to help you if you are not honest with us.


Do weekly homework assignments that will encourage lasting change.


Give us a little time. Habits are not developed overnight, and new habits will take time to develop. In most cases, we ask individuals to commit to regular counseling appointments for a period of 3 to 4 months.


Since Parker Bible Church provides the facilities and the counselors volunteer their time, we can offer the counseling free of charge. However, out of respect for our staff, we require a $25 deposit which is forfeited for last minute cancellations. If a counselee leaves counseling or graduates from counseling without a cancellation the deposit is returned. There may be resources required for homework and these would be purchased by the counselee.


At this time, our counseling is offered by appointment. Call 303-841-3836 Monday – Friday from 9AM - 3PM to schedule an appointment, or apply online.

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