From Your Pastor's Heart
September 15, 2024
It is difficult to put into words the gratitude that fills my heart today as we celebrate 30 years of God’s faithfulness. Of course, God’s faithfulness goes far beyond 30 years, but for this body of believers, today marks a wonderful milestone. For 30 years we have been able to have a testimony in this community of the gospel of grace. We have been able to point people to the absolute truth of Scripture and to encourage God’s people to grow in service to Christ. We have seen many, many people come to saving faith in Him. We’ve seen many become spiritually mature. We’ve shared many years together in sweet fellowship around the Lord Jesus.
Of course, we’ve also seen many people come and go (in God’s providence) through the years. Some have graduated on to heaven. These we look forward to seeing again when we get to glory. Others have moved on to other churches – and for these we pray they will continue to grow in grace and to be faithful to serve our Lord. We cling to sweet memories of serving Christ alongside them in the past.
But for those who remain, I believe we have a very bright future. Thirty years is not the end - we’re just getting warmed up! We have much more to accomplish. We have a great mandate from Christ and I pray we will be diligent to fulfill it. I can’t wait to see what God will accomplish in and through us as we move ahead!
Pastor Kirk