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Children's Ministry

Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.

Mark 10:14-15


Ages 0-2

Sundays @
8AM | 9:30AM | 10:45AM | 6PM


Ages 3-4

Sundays @
9:30AM | 10:45AM

Bible Study

Grades K-6

Sundays @

Truth Trackers

Ages 3 - 6th Grade

Wednesdays @



The nursery at Parker Bible Church serves children from birth to age two.  This is where we meet the needs of the youngest in our church family. The nursery exists to provide these children with a safe and loving environment and their parents the best opportunity for worship. Nursery volunteers honor God by allowing the parents to worship the Lord uninterrupted, while they patiently teach the children about God in age appropriate ways.


The preschool class meets during Parker Bible Church's Sunday school hour and 10:45 AM service. Children are welcome to stay for both and do not need to be picked up in between. This class consists of a Bible lesson, snack, craft, and play time. The goal of this ministry is to help the children develop a wider knowledge base of the sufficiency of Scripture while engaging them with Bible lessons.


Bible Study

Parker Bible Church uses the Generations of Grace curriculum for children's Sunday school classes. Over a 3 year period, children study the Old Testament historical books, the life of Christ, and lessons from Acts and Revelation.


Each class is led by someone who is committed to communicating the truth of God’s Word clearly. Each teacher strives to live a life of devotion to Christ so that he or she can set an example that is consistent with the Godly standards taught. Our ultimate goal is to come alongside parents and present the consistency and importance of Scripture.

Truth Trackers

Truth Trackers is a children's program that systematically and purposefully disciples children. This program is for children 3 years old through 6th grade. The purpose is Truth Trackers is as follows:


  1. To disciple children in the basics of the Christian faith

  2. To help children memorize the Bible and daily spend time with God

  3. To incorporate the family into activities and Bible memory

  4. To give opportunities for strategic evangelism


Each week your child does daily devotions and memorizes a Bible verse. To make it easier on families, each student from 1st - 6th grade goes through the same verses, devotion, and topic for the week.


The Truth Trackers approach and philosophy of children's discipleship is deliberate and Biblical. Read more about this program at


Space in Truth Trackers is limited. Call Dennie Behn for availability (303.646.9174).

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